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A Fireside Party


Spike:  This is a lot to take in.

Simon sits there, absorbing it all.

Krewemate 1:  Tell me about it.  We saw a ball of fire leap from the top of the lighthouse and stay lit, underwater mind you, all the way here.

Simon’s flame puffs with pride.

Spike nods:  you get used to it.

Norn 1:  How ’bout a drink?!

Spike leaps to his feet: Now you’re speaking my language!

The Norn escorts Spike to the massive keg near the fire.  They knock one back.  Then three.  Seven tankards later Spike rejoins his best friend, unfazed.

The Norn makes a friendly comment to the other Norn about Spike’s ability to drink, while the humans in attendance are still trying to figure out Simon.

Krewemate 1:  So, what brings you out here?

Spike:  We’re looking for Crysania.

Human 1: Who?

Spike and Simon sigh in unison, tired of hearing that response.

Spike, eyeing the big keg:  Crysania is a human, from Ascalon.

A couple Charr snarl in defiance.

Krewemate 1:  Fascinating.

Spike looks at one of the Charr:  Look! We’re just getting used to not killing you on sight.

One of the Charr unsheaths his sword, and a Sylvari quickly jumps between him and Spike.

Spike, already standing and ready: We’re also not used to talking plants.

Krewemate 1 scratches her ears in confusion:  So, who are you again?

Spike sits back down:  Spikelangelo and Simon, from the Anchorwind clan.

Human 1:  Well, you could go to Divinity’s Reach and check with the loremasters.

Simon’s flame practically became an inferno, causing everyone to reflexively take a step back.

Spike:  Dood, WTF?

Simon:  DANDD!

Human 1: Who?

Simon’s flame died down to embers:  The loremaster…

Human 1: They have names?

Spike opened his mouth, but closed it in defeat.

Charr 1, trying to be funny:  They toil in ink, not steel.  They aren’t worth names.

Spike and Simon stand up and stare directly at the Charr.

Charr 1, no longer trying to be funny:  You got a problem, pup?

Spike: Pup?  You’re lucky I didn’t kill your ancestor.

The confusion of the crowd only intensified.  The Charr drew their weapons, the Norn grabbed a drink.  The Sylvari tried to play peacemakers and the lone Krewemate tried to figure out just who were Spike and Simon.

Charr 1: You have something to settle, human?

Simon whispers:  Fusion, now.

Spike whispers back:  Without Crysania?!

Simon insists:  We can do it!

Spike smiles:  One second, walking carpet.

After performing a silly dance, the Aura of Simon surrounds Spike.

The Charr instantly grasp their weapons tighter, and make threatening gestures with them:  Foefire! These humans have somehow mastered Foefire!

The Sylvari can no longer prevent the inevitable conflict, while the Norn are taking bets on the outcome, the Krewemate is scribbling notes as fast as her hands will let her.

Spike taunts:  Oh, poor little thing needs weapons!

The Charr growls, but eventually tosses his sword aside:  I can rip apart a Human with my bare claws!

Spike continues to taunt:  We’re not the greatest,  we’re the double greatest!

The Charr inches foward, undaunted.

Spike refuses to relent:  This Charr is so ugly, he should donate his whole face to the Tyrian bureau of Wildlife.

The Charr has had enough:  That’s it, Human!

The Charr takes a swipe, but is instead ignited by the Aura of Simon when Spike dodges.

Spike continues talking: I’m so mean, I make medicine sick!

The frustrated and confused Charr takes another swipe and is ignited once again.

Spike couldn’t be more thrilled: If you even dream of beating me, you better wake up and apologize!

The enraged Charr lashes out with a double-claw attack! Spike can’t dodge left or right this time, thought the Charr, but Spike counter-punches by closing the distance and getting real up close and personal.  The Aura of Simon leaps out in front and hits the Charr with full force to the face, engulfing him in blinding light.

Spike giggles at the reeling Charr:  I float like butterfly, I sting like a bee.  His hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see!

At this point,  even the Sylvari are tittering by the fireside.   The Norn have been cheering the brawl with each strike, and the one Asura has been so stunned that she’s forgotten to write it all down.

The Charr stumbled backwards but didn’t fall.  Seeing the opportunity though,   Spike hit the Charr with a running dropkick dead center.  The extra impact from the Aura of Simon knocked the Charr clean off his feet and onto the sand.  Spike stood triumphantly over the battered Charr and demanded a yield.

Charr 1:  I yield!  I YIELD!

Spike:  I’ve wrestled with alligators, I’ve tussled with a whale.  I done handcuffed lightning and thrown thunder in jail!

The wounded Charr gets up slowly and limps away from the fire.  Upon the Charr’s exit, Spike and Simon separate, and take to the sand.

They give each other a happy fist bump and take a moment to catch their breath.

Norn 1: That was spectacular!

Krewemate 1:  Certainly unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

Sylvari 1: Couldn’t you have toned it down a bit?

Spike addresses the Sylvari:  In time, we will get used to friendly Charr, but Loremasters have names.

Simon nods, although it’s hard to tell.

Krewemate 1:  Simon, was it?  …when you sit and stare at a fire, is it like looking into a mirror?

There was a period of silence, followed by the kind of laughter that usually follows a period of silence.

Simon pouts, although only Spike can tell:  No!  That’s just a fire!  I’m ME!

Everyone else in attendance exchange quizzical glances.

Norn 2 goes to poor another drink and finds the Keg empty.  Letting the party know that the drinks are out, the party begins to die down.

Spike and Simon, staring past the fire at the lighthouse, ponder aloud:  Wonder where Crysania is?

Sylvari 1: Where would she likely be?

Spike gestures to the lighthouse:  In a place like that.  A tall tower overlooking the world.  She always kept watch on people.

Krewemate 1:  How long is always?

Spike and Simon look at each other, then the lighthouse.

Spike says with confidence:  At least 250 years.

Simon looks at the camera:  Would you believe us?

The Asura stops to collect her thoughts:  So you’re old, and you’re on fire.

Spike nudges Simon:  He’s just as old as me.

Krewemate 1 shakes her head:  You’re both old, and you’re on fire.  You can merge into a single being with enhanced combat skills but you know little of the current world.    How does that work?

They both shrug in unison.

Spike:  I bet Crysania could tell us what has happened these last couple hundred years.

Krewemate 1:  What?  Were you asleep or something?

The Sylvari interjects:  Some of us know what that’s like.

Spike furrows his brow in confusion, while Simon remains fixated on the lighthouse.

Krewemate 1:  Ok,  so what was it like in your time?

Spike:  You mean when the Charr broke down the Northern Wall and invaded Ascalon?

Krewemate 1:  WAIT, WHAT!?  Impossible.

Simon’s flame flickers intently.

Krewemate 1’s gaze moves back to Simon:  …and yet here’s someone with a head composed of fire.

The Sylvari leaps suddenly:  That’s it!

Everyone else:  What’s it?

Sylvari 1:  Wizard’s Tower!

Spike:  But Crysania was a-

Sylvari 1 continues:  Wizard’s Tower was said to be a part of Kessex Peak once upon a time.  Now It’s a floating tower, still in the Kessex hills area.

Spike:  Is there water nearby?

Sylvari 1:  Oh yes, it floats above the harbor!

Spike smiles:  Sounds like a good place to check out.

Simon:  So do the Loremasters’ records.

They nod at each other.

Krewemate 1:  Wait.  The Wizard’s Tower is owned by this guy named Isgarren, according to our records.

Sylvari 1:  Yes, yes.  Has anyone ever -seen- this ‘Isgarren’ fellow?

Krewemate 1:  Well, not on record.

Sylvari 1: Yes, it’s just village talk.  We have no idea who actually owns the tower.

Spike:  Hmm, a mysterious person owning a floating tower overlooking a harbor.

Simon stretches happily.

Krewemate 1:  Well, I must be off.  You’ve given me some new data to analyze.  Who knew that there were living humans with Foefire abilities?

Sylvari 1:  Hush.  We don’t know what ancient magic they brought with them.

The Asura giggles with glee: I know!

Sylvari 1:  Oh no…

As it gets late night, it’s just Spike and Simon, staring at the lighthouse.

Spike:  Lion’s Arch sure has changed.

Simon makes an approving sound.

Spike:  I haven’t seen many boats though.  I wonder if people still come and go to Spamadan.

Simon:  How do people trade around here?

Spike:  We still have a lot to learn.

Simon nods, although it’s hard to tell.

Simon:  …where is Kessex Hills?

Spike pauses: @#$% !!!  That plant and that long-eared midget just told us that like we knew where we were going!

Simon lays back to look at the stars:  Do you think Crysania is looking at the same stars?

Spike lays back too:  I don’t know, dood.  She might not even be on this planet.

Simon:  How would we get into the Mists again?  @#$% we’re lost.

Spike:  We went from knowing everything to knowing nothing overnight.

Simon:  We can still beat up Charr though.

They fist-bump in celebration.

Spike: @#$% yeah dood.  Ascalon Forever.

Simon looks at the camera:  Although we will have to get used to them being allies, and quick.

Spike:  Who are you talking to?

Simon:  Ever get the feeling you’re being watched?

Spike:  Only when I drink too much.

Simon:  Hmm.

The breeze picks up momentarily, and the pair spend a quiet moment enjoying it.

Simon:  I wonder if when you die, your soul gets reborn somewhere else.

Spike:  Where did that come from?

Simon:  Crysania. What if she’s really not here?

Spike pouts:  She’s here, dood.  She has to be.

Simon sighs:  Yeah…



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Muhammad Ali