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Today is 19 July 2016.

I, still, today still hear the phrase “un-american” thrown about, frequently. However, it almost always comes from a common source.
Right-Wing politicians and their most rabid supporters. I refer not to those with whom are resolute in their beliefs but are still approachable and can enter into a dialogue. No. The rabid ones.

I see some people on the Left try to counter them by asking questions akin to what it means to be American. I, instead, yield to Noam Chomsky’s approach.

“Actually this notion ‘anti-American’ is quite an interesting one. It’s actually a totalitarian notion. It isn’t used in free societies.” “These concepts only arise in a culture where, if you criticize state power, and by state I mean more generally not just government but state corporate power, if you criticize concentrated power, you’re against the society, you’re against the people. That’s quite striking that it’s used in the United States. In fact, as far as I know, it’s the only democratic society where the concept isn’t just ridiculed. It’s a sign of elements of the elite culture, which are quite ugly.” From Requiem for the American Dream.

The rabid right wants to let you know that they’re not welcome. Sometimes it’s through dog-whistle politics, and sometimes it’s direct and open. However, authoritarianism is becoming increasingly popular. A quick internet search will show that others agree, as will voting records of certain blocs.

Naturally, there are push-backs from the people who are being told we’re unwelcome. That list seems to expand, but we know who we are. Much like Hitler on an online forum, it’s only a matter of time and number of responses before the “un-american” line comes out.

Want to even suggest background checks for guns? You’re un-american!

You DON’T want background checks for bathrooms? Your (wife/daughter/sister) could be in there with a rapist! …you might be un-american…

You want to know what militia I belong to and how I’m necessary for the security of the state? That sounds like more gun control – un-american!

You’re not willing to stop being Muslim, and won’t be registered or deported? un-american!

You’re DEFENDING that Muslim!? un-american!

You think everyone should have access to things like healthcare or education? That sounds like a distribution of wealth which is socialism and that’s UN-AMERICAN. (*hint: many people who would say something akin to this no idea how much socialism already exists here and how much they benefit from it)

THE. MARKET. DECIDES. ALL. …help, a natural disaster struck – save me! it’s un-american not to help your neighbor! (*yes, this happened too)

You used Black Lives Matter in a sentence without it being derogatory, automatic un-american penalty.

We can keep building lists wherein we show that what some people want are mostly White, Christian, obedient, pawns willing to not disrupt the power structure.

If you don’t fit neatly into that box, at some point expect to be called “un-american”

Perhaps, we should wear it as a badge of honor. Unless, of course, you actually subscribe to authoritarianism – in which case you’ve probably already stamped your feet and demanded that you need to take your country back. You can wear that badge instead.

The next time you look at your “take my country back” badge, remember that it’s not the “Blacks” or “Muslims” or “The Poor” that took your country away. Point your pitchforks in the right direction. Maybe when you do, you’ll be called “un-american” too.

We’ll be here waiting for you.