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As into madness I descend
with wits and steel I arm
where I go there is no friend
but a party of pain and harm
Requiem aeternam dona eis
not a care to fail or feign
death fear is living bias
to the world will not explain
In many eyes a lack of worth
countless moons have formed this trend
no common good on scale of earth
will not be troubled to defend
the road to hell is paved with good
intention solid as the sea
often together we stood
only post catastrophe
nothing forges bonds like strife
this I have always known
then to be severed by time’s knife
down here it’s best to be alone

be you are ready or not
the truth will burn away
we mourn for all losses
each sun a memorial day
no one prays for peace like we
locked away within our towers
we devolve again to basic beings
and convert our tears to flowers
for who we are and what we did
sorry will never be enough
we nurture now and give shelter
to help things grow in the rough

2nd Gen (Above) May 2013
1st Gen (Below) March 2010