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Self Guidelines 2018 (Essay)

In May of 2009 I asked: “is how you are treated a guideline on how you should treat yourself?”  It was Alone Series #7 (Self Guidelines), and I was fresh out of service; I was more lost in the world than I am now, but my level of desperation may be the...

Is knowledge memory?

Is knowledge memory?  If we say we know something, do we also have to say we remember it? We can know we did something without actually remembering doing it.  Could we just have fooled ourselves?  When I was younger,  I know I would take a plastic cup and mix my own...

The Road Less Travelled

I often walk along the road less travelled.   It used to bother me considerably.   I felt alienated from people because who I am and what I thought were so frequently in the minority that I felt there must be something wrong with me.  There are still plenty of things...

Of Emotions and Stoicism

Of Emotions and Stoicism — Sometimes, I think I am in control of how I feel.  Sometimes, I think I can preempt how I will react to something – I can simulate it in my mind and soften the blow enough to where I don’t feel anymore. God knows I’ve...

We Had but I Have a Dream (draft)

I had a dream. I had a dream and that dream gave me a home.  That home gave me a purpose.  That purpose gave me goals.  Those goals gave me ambition.  That ambition gave me energy.  All that energy gave me hope.  At the heart of hope was a dream and when we held that...

ORB: Lessons and Progress

ORB: Lessons and Progress What have I learned from ORB? Quite a bit, actually. First, though, let’s look at the name. Operation: a coordinated, planned, action or set of actions. Reset: a return to a previous state. Button: a device that, when pressed, is...