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Of Quarantine and Progress

When I was a child, I played football (soccer).  I don’t remember the coaches’ names, the team name, the field, or any of the players. I do remember getting bullied for our Raspberry jersey color, and getting cheated by a referee being related to the enemy...

Tiger Woods: An Odd Interest Story

Tiger Woods recently won his 80th PGA tournament.   I have mixed feelings about all of it, but I do admit having interest in watching multiple parts of the internet (metaphorically) explode when it happened.   It was fascinating watching certain analysts and...

Real Americans

In the buildup to getting to go see the Marvel Black Panther movie, I was exposed to individuals proclaiming ‘No Real Americans’ are going to watch that movie.  It was a sad reminder for me that dog-whistle phrase is still alive and well in 2018.  It is...


As I sit here, during Black History Month, shortly after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s  birthday,  it’s hard not to reflect upon what’s going on around me.    It been a common thought that the veteran community is one cohesive entity:  shared goals, ...

Generation : Why?

My Generation does not exist in ideal times;  it never has.   For most of our lives, we’ve been in some sort of conflict:   The Post-9/11 conflicts are still raging strong and that was half a life ago or more,  but the anti-intellectualism and economic conflicts...