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Dear Diary, What is Anxiety?

Dear Diary, What is Anxiety? What is Anxiety?  Anxiety is a state of being that narrows our focus to the problem requiring change.  At low levels, anxiety is a tool that helps us focus and mitigate distractions.  However,  anxiety can quickly compound on itself and...

Dear Diary, What is Peace?

Dear Diary, I am a quiet person with a noisy mind. Wise people worldwide have accurately reminded us we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. I am most comfortable with a bit of nature’s noise, or music, as it gives me something on which to channel my...

Dear Diary, What Does Forgiveness Do?

Dear Diary, What does forgiveness do?  I have written about what it is and how we experience it, but what happens after the emotional dust has settled? Paradoxically, it allows for change even though us feeling the need to change was part of the problem as we were...