by Monk Anchorwind | 27 Apr, 2023 | Dear Diary |
Dear Diary, Reciprocity? Yes – but of what? Dear Diary, I’ve lacked reciprocity in my relationships for ages. I’ve tried to correct this through gentle but direct confrontation, but ultimately I’ve had to let people go because I’d...
by Monk Anchorwind | 29 Dec, 2021 | Dear Diary |
Dear Diary, Fear is an absence of trust in the process of resolution. In other words, we believe or suspect some step in the resolution process to fail and thus leave things unresolved. Fear and anger are intrinsically related, as anger gives us the drive to protect...
by Monk Anchorwind | 23 Dec, 2020 | (A) The New Beginning 559- |
i can’t tear myself away but i’ll tear myself apart this is your scar right here no was the answer from the start over many moons and meals anger fades and the wounds heal we run out of things to say a new us makes a new way we spend time on deep thoughts...
by Monk Anchorwind | 16 Sep, 2020 | (A) The New Beginning 559- |
an old life ends hope for rebirth anew fear and joy are fleeting we must ascend beyond the past affirm that love is always the answer Ascend by Anchorwind | September 2020
by Monk Anchorwind | 29 Jul, 2020 | Dear Diary |
Dear Diary: The War I Didn’t Have To Lose Yesterday, the weather was beautiful. The sun was out, but the overall temperature wasn’t too searing hot, and the wind kept a pleasant balancing act. I was sitting here in my office, staring out of my window,...
by Monk Anchorwind | 18 Jul, 2020 | Dear Diary |
Dear Diary, No News is Good News – Unless You Want Some This morning I was called a war criminal again. The person who made the accusation doesn’t know me or my history, but just with the vaguest of associations was able to judge me guilty of an...
by Monk Anchorwind | 13 Jul, 2020 | Dear Diary |
Dear Diary, How much difference do a few minutes make? How much difference do a few minutes make? From a photon’s perspective, a pure particle of light, there isn’t a such thing as ‘a few minutes.’ It may bounce around for billions of years...
by Monk Anchorwind | 10 Jun, 2020 | (A) The New Beginning 559- |
we do not abandon our countrymen because they are difficult or our friends because they are inconvenient we do not treat people as a commodity but instead remember they are our community Abandon by Anchorwind | June 2020 Note: Black Lives Matter. Healthy Relationships...
by Monk Anchorwind | 28 Apr, 2020 | (A) The New Beginning 559- |
you can’t force someone to walk with you all you can do is be grateful when you have company and hope they catch up to you when they realize you left them behind Company by Anchorwind | April 2020
by Monk Anchorwind | 18 Jan, 2020 | Considered Thoughts |
New Draft There was a part of me that told myself I was going to take a break from writing. Every time I felt I had something to say, I would feel it was just the same as what came before. We do live in dark, pivotal times. We are inundated with numerous forms of...