by Monk Anchorwind | 13 Jul, 2020 | Dear Diary |
Dear Diary, How much difference do a few minutes make? How much difference do a few minutes make? From a photon’s perspective, a pure particle of light, there isn’t a such thing as ‘a few minutes.’ It may bounce around for billions of years...
by Monk Anchorwind | 22 Feb, 2017 | VA |
angel of mercy please visit me i beckon, i plead i pray down on my knees i yearn and i cry from tears my eyes burn i’ve given unto others but now it’s my turn Angel of Mercy (VA Print Version) 2017...
by Monk Anchorwind | 25 Jul, 2016 | Considered Thoughts |
Of Emotions and Stoicism — Sometimes, I think I am in control of how I feel. Sometimes, I think I can preempt how I will react to something – I can simulate it in my mind and soften the blow enough to where I don’t feel anymore. God knows I’ve...
by Monk Anchorwind | 24 Mar, 2014 | (L) Invalidation 311-355
do not mistake the will to live for the desire to remembered fondly for we arrive at a point where we are willing to lose the battle if we no longer have to fight the war March 2014
by Monk Anchorwind | 6 Jan, 2014 | (L) Invalidation 311-355, My Favorites
the end is in sight it’s ok to cry with me joy streams down my face it feels good to be set free Set Free by Anchorwind : January 2014
by Monk Anchorwind | 4 Jan, 2014 | (L) Invalidation 311-355
new year old dots new dreams old nots connect the fears collapse from within just end it all only one more sin no judge just peace always a judge it will never cease January 2014