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A Nation of Invalidation

Author’s note:  I’m about to do something I just yesterday(?) said I wasn’t going to, and for that I apologize;  this, however, is a moment in time wherein a lot of dots connected mentally and I felt this important enough to proceed. A Nation of...

Of Initiation and Worth

I have more friends now than in a very long time, perhaps ever.   My friends are both here and spread out across multiple continents.   They share different skin tones, gender identities, sexual orientations, levels of economic security, ideas, beliefs, education...

Purple Fingers

In what feels like several lifetimes ago,  I was part of a machine that obliterated the status quo of an entire region of people.   We went in and irreversibly altered the courses of, essentially, every life there;  many of us, all these years later, still search for...

The Gold Star Sticker

I was sitting in the dentist chair recently, getting the annual exam and x-rays done.   After all was said and done they were happy to report there were no issues;  I had done well.   I smiled, and pondered aloud at what age do people stop receiving gold star...